Dr. Lafosse just completed an intracarotid amobarbital procedure on one of his epilepsy patients in the hospital with his assistant Maria, a Regis University student.
In addition to the office locations listed below, Dr. Lafosse is available to perform IMEs throughout California and across the United States.
San Diego Address:
2127 Olympic Parkway
Suite 1006-619
Chula Vista, CA 91915
Phone: (720) 965-0055
Fax: (720) 799-0383
Email (click to send): drlafosse@lafosseneuropsychology.com
Los Angeles/Orange County Address:
3020 Old Ranch Parkway
Suite 306
Seal Beach, CA 90740
Phone: (720) 965-0055
Fax: (720) 799-0383
Email (click to send): drlafosse@lafosseneuropsychology.com
Denver Address:
4251 Kipling Street
Suite 230
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Phone: (720) 965-0055
Fax: (720) 799-0383
Email (click to send): drlafosse@lafosseneuropsychology.com